You can’t beat the smell of a fresh Christmas tree! Hand-picked from hundreds of other trees by your own fair eye, you size up the tree and imagine it placed in your home. Not too tall, not too short. Not too wide, not too thin. Not too bushy, not too sparse.
Each year we get our Christmas tree from the Christmas tree farm in Ashurst (opposite the train station) in the New Forest. It’s great to make a day of it, so why not start with a lovely breakfast before heading out with the family to pick your trees and then head home to decorate.
We usually spend a good half an hour wandering around sizing up the trees before selecting our tree, looking out for an even distribution of branches, a well-rounded shape and a hint of character! I’d recommend you go for a no-drop variety of Christmas tree – it’s worth the extra £10 per foot not to be constantly hoovering up needles!
Picking the tree is just the beginning. Squeezing the tree into the car (without breaking any of the branches) or attempting to attach the tree to the top of the car can itself be a mission. However, at the same time, the smell and uniqueness of getting a new, fresh Christmas tree each year cannot be beaten and so I’d suggest the palava of getting the tree home is entirely worth it – and it’s the perfect opportunity to have some festive fun!
In case of emergency (AKA selection of a tree to big for your car), you can always tie it to the roof!
Off to get our Christmas tree! ?? #Christmas A photo posted by Rachel Heslop (@rachelanneheslop) on
Christmas Tree fun! ?? #Christmas A photo posted by Rachel Heslop (@rachelanneheslop) on
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